Nyungney Retreat
6:00am 26 February 2020 - 12:30pm 13 March 2020
Cost: £0.00
Venue: Samye Ling
We begin the Tibetan New Year with this auspicious purification practice of the 1,000 Armed Chenrezig sadhana.
To book this course please select it in the Extras offered after you have chosen your accommodation on the booking form. Please click here to book.
The retreat will consist of eight sets of Nyungneys, with each set lasting two days. Silence and fasting are observed on the second day of each set.
Everyone is welcome to participate in as many sets as possible for their own personal benefit as well as for all living beings. However, this practice may only be done by those who have taken Refuge and received the appropriate permissions and instructions.
If you wish to take part but are unable to do the practice, it is also very beneficial to help serve meals and drinks on the eating days.
The retreat will end with a Milarepa Tsok Puja after the final session on the morning of 13th of March.
Accommodation concessions are available for those on low income - please write to the Samye Ling Management Committee if you wish to apply.
There is no fee for attending this Nyungney Retreat although donations are welcome. Your offering will help with the Monastery's considerable running costs. Donations may be in the Reception Office in Samye Ling.
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