Unfolding From the Inside Out
7:00pm 12 July 2024 - 4:00pm 14 July 2024
Cost: £63.00
Venue: Samye Ling
This workshop has developed out of Hanna's Flowing from Within workshops. It looks at how we can tap into our internal flow of energy, or prana, in order for us to allow the postures to be able to unfold from an internal place, rather than from us trying to impose the postures onto our bodies. This helps to develop more freedom in the body and mind, as well as a more intuitive approach to working within our asana. During the weekend we will be exploring how we work in our asana in various ways, in order to begin to allow this process to occur.
Suitable for all levels.
Please bring a yoga mat. It is also advisable to bring a blanket and any blocks or props that you may normally use.
Bookings for this course will open from 1st May 2024, when you will be able to book your place on the course and also guest accommodation by sending an email to bookings@samyeling.org
Tariff and Charges Guest Info